Fascial Unwinding

Fascia is a connective tissue running, like a vast web, throughout our entire body down to the very cellular level. Long disregarded merely as ‘packing material’, it is now beginning to be understood for the truly incredible tissue that it is.

Acting as a liquid crystalline matrix within the body it transmits, faster than the electrical charges of the nervous system, information regarding injury and tension to all other parts of the physical structure.

Given that fascia is contractile (independent of muscle), has a two-way connection with the autonomic nervous system, and retains in physical form the effects of psychoemotional stress - unwinding the fascial patterns present in a patient’s body not only releases old injury and musculoskeletal patterns but also emotional trauma.

The saying that “it is all in your mind” should be changed to “it is all in your fascia”

Unfortunately, most therapies now working with fascia take a therapist-led rather than patient-led approach - myofascial release is one such example.

What is essential, to release the fascial impingements and restrictions that lead to ill health, is to let the fascia unwind naturally and spontaneously, always working at the pace of the patient’s own body rather than to force the fascia to release by introducing tension or exerting pressure.

Fascial unwinding is gentle, patient-led and deeply profound